what’s talking pen

What’s talking pen


As a tutor in a pen, talking pen is a new learning resource, it could help Children to promote self-learning & make education without limits.


Talking pen is a magic pen specially designed for learning. With a talking pen, learners are more involved in their learning.

Talking Pen is a revolutionary technology which brings multiple languages, sounds, songs and interactivity to the printed page! It’s a fantastic new way to enhance literacy skills.

 what's talking pen

TIPS: Using a talking pen doesn’t mean that using it to replace parents to read with them. In fact, it can provide extra reading time for your children. For example, they can use it when parents fixing meals, or when they wake up earlier than parents, feel bored, or are waiting at a restaurant. Instead of giving them extra screen time or having to pack many toys, a book with a talking pen is an excellent alternative.


Post time: May-12-2018

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